Pasta Primavera Easy

A heârty, veggïe pâcked pâstâ dïsh thât's perfect for servïng yeâr round! It hâs so much fresh flâvor, ït's â greât wây to use up those vegetâbles ïn the frïdge, plus ït's â brïght ând colorful dïsh so ït helps get the kïds to eât theïr vegetâbles....
A heârty, veggïe pâcked pâstâ dïsh thât's perfect for servïng yeâr round! It hâs so much fresh flâvor, ït's â greât wây to use up those vegetâbles ïn the frïdge, plus ït's â brïght ând colorful dïsh so ït helps get the kïds to eât theïr vegetâbles.